Puppy Dewclaw Removal – Do You Need Your Havanese Dog’s Dewclaws Removed

Puppy Dewclaw Removal â€" Do You Need Your Havanese Dog’s Dewclaws Removed

You probably have your Havanese puppy’s dewclaws removed? Many breeders remove dewclaws off their puppies when just a couple days old but is it practice really safe for your dog?

Should You Have Your Havanese Dog’s Dewclaws Removed?

This is usually a question that is definitely being asked with an increase of frequency. The dewclaw would be the fifth little claw that grows higher about the leg as opposed to. Unlike one other four claws which may have constant touching the ground this claw sometimes has a tendency to remain up and running when the dog is standing. It does, however, communicate with the bottom although the dog is running.

Some Havanese breeders have a vet get rid of the dewclaws from other puppies if they are only a few days old in their general health procedure. These breeders in addition to their social circles have aimed to label this being a healthy and responsible practice.

The true reason for this is certainly that dewclaw removal is perceived by some to offer both safe practice benefits with the dogs. Dewclaws are considered to be a weak claw which will sometimes become loose and rip partway off or gain in popularity objects even though the dog is running. The logic could be that the removing the dewclaws eliminates these hazards. There’s still a large and very legitimate debate, however, as to the validity of your claim that dewclaw removal has good health for your Havanese.

As a pet breeder that could reach over 14 years I’ve personally didn’t have any negative issue arise from dewclaws. I believe that this dewclaws mustn’t be removed as being a general practice. There will always be situations the location where the elimination of the dewclaws can be important for particular dogs but as a universal take action will finally cause more damage than good.

In reality, new research is showing that by taking off the dewclaws you will be causing long lasting problems for your Havanese and promoting health problems just like joint laxity and arthritis.

The next excerpt from Dr. Zink is quite applicable towards the Havanese breed since Havanese are recognized for their “run like crazy” activity and are generally regularly used in agility competitions …

“….because there are many carpal bones that will not tightly interlock while using the adjacent bones the ligaments of this joint could be stretched and even torn when torque(twisting) is applied for the leg. The dewclaws possess the important function of reducing the torque that is put on the top legs, particularly if dogs are turning in the canter (the principle gait speed in agility)

Within the canter, there exists a moment during each stride in the event the dog’s accessory carpal pad(about the back from the carpus) with the lead front leg touches the bottom as well as rear legs and also the other front leg swing to plan for the following stride. At this stage, the dewclaw (dog grooming school. Next Stories: jb_random_post(“doggroomingschoolclub.blogspot.com”,1,0);) was in hitting the ground with the bottom if your canine turns, the dewclaw can dig looking for extra traction to avoid unnecessary torque for the front leg. Without the gripping action with the dog’s “thumbs” there is certainly more force on the ligaments with the carpus. This could cause the ligaments to stretch and tear with time, leading to joint laxity and consequently, in arthritis” (excerpt of “Dogs in Canada” article by Chris Zink DVM.,Ph.D)

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